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Four Reasons To Get A Divorce In Russia

Four reasons to get a divorce in Russia

The first thing that comes to mind is the time of case consideration in court.

Under the Russian law, the time of divorce cases consideration is only one month (article 154 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation).

Of course, this period may be extended up to three months if the other spouse asks the court (article 22 of the Family Code). You may also confront a common red-tapery because of the court’s workload. Anyway, we are talking about months, not years of hearing. In the worst-case scenario, the consideration period may be extended up to six months (article 6.1 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). But honestly, in my experience, it never happened.

The second reason is the guaranteed result of the divorce.

Perhaps, in some countries the court can deny a divorce, but not in Russia. The result is always the same – the dissolution of the marriage. It’s the matter of time only, depending on whether the other side delays the process or not.

The third reason is that the presence of the parties is not required.

A foreigner and a Russian citizen may not appear in court at all. Presence in the court at each court hearing is not their responsibility. Especially if the business is conducted by professional lawyers.

The last reason is the relatively inexpensive process.

The cost of divorce in Russia is relatively lower than in the other countries. Especially if we are talking about the United States and Europe.

Thus, with the right approach, a marriage in Russia can be terminated quickly, without the presence of the parties and relatively inexpensive.

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