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  1. Contact us with a summary (description) of your situation;
  2. We provide a short legal consultation (conversational and written) (See an example of a short legal consultation in Russia);
  3. The Client submits the documents relevant for legal evaluation (if available);
  4. We prepare the expanded legal advice on the basis of the submitted documents, if necessary (See an example of detailed written legal advice);
  5. The business plan is proposed for achieving the Client’s objectives (See an example of a legal attorney plan);
  6. The conclusion of the agreement on rendering the legal assistance is achieved (See an example of a contract with a lawyer from Russia);
  7. Necessary documents (claims, complaints, statements, etc.) are prepared, as well as collection by the lawyers the needed or the missing evidence for the court or another authorized body;
  8. Protection and representation of interests of the Client in one of the bodies of the legislative establishment of Russia (the Judicial System, the Department of Custody and Guardianship, the Juvenile Affairs Commission, the Juvenile Police Unit, the Children’s Rights Commissioner for the subject of the Russian Federation, and other organizations and administrative agencies) are provided;
  9. The result (a judicial act, a decision, an order or a decree) after resolving the dispute is received;
  10. Legal support at the stage of execution of the judicial act or other decision of the Russian Federation is guaranteed.
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