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The Procedure For Granting Political Asylum In Russia For Foreigners

The procedure for granting political asylum in Russia for foreigners

In various countries, there are big problems in persecuting people on various discriminatory grounds: gender, race, nationality, as well as for political reasons: for the political or social activities of people. Russia, as a guarantor of compliance with the principles of international law, can grant some foreigners or stateless persons the right to asylum.

The Russian Federation provides political asylum and protection from persecution or a real threat to become a victim of persecution in the country of which the person is a citizen or in the country of his / her residence for social and political activities and beliefs that do not contradict international law.

The procedure for applying for political asylum in Russia

First of all, a foreign citizen or a stateless person is obliged to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation legally. A foreigner submits an application for political asylum to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of his stay. At the same time, a person must write an appeal addressed to the President of the Russian Federation on granting him political asylum.

The following information must be included in the application. 1.Circumstances that served as the basis for applying for political asylum. 2. Describe your biography 3. It will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire 4. They talk to a foreigner in a question / answer format 5. A personal file of a person who wishes to receive political asylum is set up 6. A foreigner must undergo fingerprinting.

Grounds for refusal to grant political asylum

The person came from a third country where he is not in danger of persecution;

The person has the citizenship of a third country;

The person knowingly provided false information;

A person is prosecuted for actions that are recognized as a crime in Russia;

The person has been charged as a defendant in a criminal case or there is a verdict that has entered into legal force in Russia;

The person is unable or unwilling to return to his country due to economic reasons, hunger, epidemic;


Procedure for Examining an Application for Asylum

At the time of consideration of an application for granting political asylum to a foreigner, the person is issued a special certificate. This document allows a person to stay on the territory of Russia legally.

The territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia request an opinion from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia on the possibility of granting political asylum. Further, all materials are sent to the Commission on Citizenship under the President of Russia. The final decision is made by the President of Russia.

The decision of the President of Russia is formalized in the form of an order to grant political asylum to a foreigner. A person is issued a certificate of political asylum in Russia.

If a foreigner has been denied political asylum, he must leave the country within a specified time frame. Otherwise, the person is subject to deportation.

There is one drawback in the issue of granting political asylum. There is no provision in the Regulations on the Procedure for Granting Political Asylum in the Russian Federation according to which a person can appeal against a refusal in court. In other words, there is no judicial protection.

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